Poetry chapbooks
Delve Into The HUman Condition With Poetry Chapbooks
At Lore Publication we are proud publishers of riveting, thought-provoking poetry chapbooks from new, upcoming, and veteran poets. Based In Scotland, we focus on promoting Scottish poets first and foremost but welcome any poet with a story to tell or a lesson to teach.
As a reader, welcome you to read our free poetry corner for the individual poems that poets publish with us independently – and ask that you browse our excellent selection of wonderfully crafted full length collections we have commercially available.
At Lore we specialise in emotive, powerful musings from contemporary poets.
Our First Commercially Available Poetry Chapbook

A Nihilist’s Bible
Lore Publication started as a passion project by Stewart Storrar, a young and driven creative from Glasgow, Scotland with one goal in mind; to share not only his own work with the world but to provide a space that all kinds of writers can share their work, their way.
The natural evolution of this idea was to commercially publish his first full length poetry collection, A Nihilist’s Bible – a poetry collection that delves into the darker recesses of the human mind and explores what it means to be human in the modern world.
Dynamic, authentic, brilliant, and thought provoking, this first piece of full-length work from Stewart, expresses his thoughts on struggling with trauma, realizing his own identity and dealing with what feels like an alien world. Stewart shares his inner-most thoughts about life, mental illness, grief, loss, and heart break in his passionate collection of free verse. In his love for poetry he found an outlet of expression that would end up saving his life.
Drawing inspiration for his poetry from nihilism, particularly moral and existential nihilism, Stewart blurs the line between different philosophical schools of thought and emotive poetry in what he describes as, “exploring the darker part of his truest self”.

As a publisher, we do consider manuscripts from writers with or without an agent – we are a platform built on inclusivity and freedom of expression. However, our poetry editors do have a ‘house guide’ as it were for considering your work.
At Lore we believe that poetry is a way in which the human mind can condense and attempt to explain the complexities of human nature. Simultaneously, poems can help us understand the world from a fresh perspective; be it in a more profound way, a more light-hearted way, or simply through the lived experiences of another.
Perspective is a core fundamental we consider when assessing if a poetry chapbook is best served in our range of poetry books made available commercially. Not every collection will be a good fit for what we strive to publish here on Lore, and likewise, Lore won’t be the right place for every collection we pitch for or consider.
Poems of all formats, kinds, and types have been an important part in Stewart’s life and continue to be; which is why he is dedicated to making poetry a core pillar of what he is trying to build with Lore Publication.

Chapbook Poetry Publishing
While we want to consider every manuscript or chapbook sent our way, that isn’t feasible or possible, so we have dedicated windows every year that we open our doors to submissions. There’s no set calendar for this, so be sure to check back and find out more every few weeks.
At the moment;
Status For Longer Works Of Poetry
Currently, we accept: individual poems, micro poetry, poetic dyads, multiple poems.
Interested? Read our submission guidelines for publishing via our poetry corner and for more details about what we’re looking for.