‘Ancestor’s Spirit’ A Poem by Stewart Storrar

ancestor's spirit poem by stewart storrar

The eternal flame of a thousand years,
Of all that has come before you,
And all that will succeed you,
Burns like a totem to all that has been lost,
And as a beacon to that which will be found,
Become a phoenix of fires past,
Risen up to forge a future from ash,
To claim a life from death,
To continue a tale of countless souls,
Passed down to spark your fire,
To burn your totem of loss,
Ignite your beacon of hope,
In a generational tale of families joined,
Over lover’s sorrow,
Over blood spilled,
Over hope shared,
To breathe life into the legacy,
Of the Ancestor’s Spirit.
To breathe life into your legacy,
For your Ancestor’s Spirit.

This poem was written by Stewart Storrar.

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